Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Let's Talk About RFK and Space Nazis

Here's the thing about this blog, you guys: I don't like a lot of things. In fact, it would be equally fair to say that I flat-out dislike a lot of things. Perhaps it could even be said that I dislike most things and that my cynical outlook will lead me deeper and deeper into the darkness of isolation until I die alone and unloved in a dirty hotel room.

Most days that would be a pretty fair assessment of my blogging career up to this point. With few exceptions, this blog has been an unrelenting wave of negativity and mockery. Not today, my friends. As Robert F. Kennedy once said, "There are those that look at space Nazis and ask "Why?" I dream of space Nazis and ask "Why not?"

I was in the mood for something like this today, and yet would never have thought to ask for it. Like a fine wine that pairs surprisingly well with one's dinner. Except that it's space Nazis. My metaphors bring all the boys to the yard.


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