Monday, May 4, 2009

Holy Crap

Today at work, a new kid came in to join the ground's maintenance, which I am a part of. Apparently, he worked last year, and "knows the ropes" around the campus. Holy piss. This guy is so freaking annoying! I had to spend 8 hours with this douchebag in a little cart, driving bags of blankets around campus. If there is there anyone who is more of a meathead, they should be shot... right now... because this guy is that absurd. Let me explain...

Everyone calls him "Sparky" because he is so hyper and energetic all day, even at 7 AM! There isn't much more than having a jumping pile of muscles with the IQ of a sack of rotten potatoes asking you questions about your life at 7:00 in the morning. So we start delivering these bags of blankets, and the bags are maybe 5 or so pounds per bag, and I'm not sure if he was trying to impress me... or flirt with me (I really hope not), but he was throwing all these bags, almost shot putting them, decent distances and up stairs. I just looked at him and thought 'wow, you really do suck as much as everyone says.' (By the by, almost everyone hates him. I am not alone.) So as we are delivering these bags, a couple of blankets fall out onto the dirty, water-covered road (because, of course, it has been raining all day), and Sparky's first idea is to destroy the evidence, i.e. all 5 blankets that fell onto the road. I refused to let him do that, to which he proceeded to scold me saying that I should listen to him because he "knows what he is talking about." I am almost certain that someone is going to notice us try to throw away, if not find those blankets when they are pitched and then who is going to get in trouble? No, its not Santa, no its not Numa-Numa man, that's right! It will be me. That is exactly what I need: to be fired on my 6th day of work because some douche-hole of a meathead decided it would be better to dispose of campus possessions instead of washing them, like we are supposed to do when something like that happens. After that incident, he continued to scold me every hourish about that, when I just saved both our butts from getting canned. I seriously just want to hurt him, perhaps knock him out of the cart and drive away...or better yet, knock him out of the cart, into the 700ish acres of forest my campus possesses, and throw stuff at him. If this summer ever ends, it won't come soon enough.


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