Friday, September 25, 2009

Parks and Recreation 202- The Stakeout

Ann starts dating Mark, which prompts Leslie to run through a list of different ways of saying that friends come first. The best one? "Ovaries before brovaries." Leslie starts a community garden, and whenever she asks Tom for the Latin name of the plants, he tells her the names of rappers. Oh yeah, and somebody decided to plant some pot in the garden. What will they do nooooow?

Ron has a bit of a Carl-Winslow-right-before-the-big-dance-contest situation (Did I do that?), and Leslie takes Tom with her to stake out the area to try and catch the 13-year-old kingpin. Who do they see? Mark is on his way to Ann's house! Leslie starts snapping pictures of them together. Methinks she might care more about that relationship than she lets on.

Tom reveals that his birth name wasn't Tom, and he changed it before Barack Obama was elected because he thought "brown guys with funny-sounding Muslim names don't get very far in politics". Wait a minute, isn't the Muslim population in India a huge minority? In fact, isn't that the entire reason that Pakistan became a country? Once again, historical accuracy falls victim to the need for topical humor. Muslims.

Tom and Leslie find out that Andy has been living in the pit, but he wasn't the one who planted the pot there. April goes back to the office, thinking that there must be something wrong with Ron (he has a hernia). She then delivers one of the most hilariously generic punchlines of all time, "I know. It's possible to have two things." You had to be there.

As Leslie and Andy go to get Andy something to eat, Tom locks himself out of the stakeout van just as Mark and Ann arrive back from their date. Unaware of each other, Ann assumes he's trying to break into the van and so Mark calls the police. Meanwhile, Leslie accidentally reveals to Andy that Mark and Ann are dating, and Andy faints. (What is this, the Victorian Era again?)

Guess who the cop is that responds to the call? LOUIS FREAKING C K! He almost immediately drops a hilarious "There's (sic) no stereotypes about Indians sitting in vehicles." Some generic back-and-forth cop vs. smug almost-criminal banter ensues, and Louis CK arrests Tom.

Leslie finally gets back to the van, and stands there wide-eyed in shock as Ann and Mark talk about how the police dragged someone away who tried to break into the van. Good old classic wrong place/wrong time schtick. It's basically Shakespeare Part 2.

Ann, Mark, and Leslie all head down to the police station to try and sort out the whole mess.

^Leslie thoroughly enjoys the prompt, appropriate handling of the situation by her local police heroes.^

As Leslie explains that she could have THE Ron Swanson down there kicking down the doors, the scene flashes over to Ron, sitting in his dark office. April is probably the third funniest person on the show. First is Tom, then Leslie, but then April with her dry sarcasm. (Just as optimistic and light-hearted as I used to be, but I'm getting nostalgic now.)

Louis C-Kop (Heyo? Heyo) lists all the stuff that he found in the van, and says that it seems like he really might be a pedo (I think the candy necklaces are what pushed it over the edge from possible creep to possible pedo). Finally April comes back to get Ron, after waiting for her dad to fall asleep to steal his keys (You kids today and your grand theft auto! AND I DON'T MEAN THE VIDEOGAME GIVE ME FIVE).

^Ron MF'ing Swanson: born ready (to swear in front of teenagers).^

As Mark kisses Ann good night on the cheek, the camera pans over to Andy angrily staring out from the pit. (That sentence could not be more dramatic and hilarious at the same time if I tried.) Tom finally gets out of jail, and he and Leslie get back to the van, where Leslie keeps talking about the importance of Mark and Ann being in their own homes. Tom tells Leslie can do better, but then immediately follows with "I didn't mean me. Keep it in your pants, Knope!"

After all the fuss over the marijuana in the public garden, it ends up that the plants were really juts carrots. Louis C-Kop ends the episode by awkwardly talking about how he was attracted to Leslie "in a sexual manner that was...appropriate."

My god, Aziz Ansari is just on fire this season. Every time he comes on screen (heyo? eww), there are laughs aplenty to be harvested. You know, like how laughs get harvested? Shutup.

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