Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Stand-Up Vomedy

It's like stand-up comedy, but with vomiting. Because I'm sick. It was kind of funny how melodramatic everyone at the office was about it (I could see the estrogen discharge as their motherly instincts kicked in). Basically, I just left the room and threw up in a toilet in the bathroom. No biggie. If anorexic people can do it all the time, I should get one freebie. But no. They called an ambulance and Public Safety. Neither seemed particularly happy to see me, and I don't blame them. After filling out some forms saying I wouldn't sue the school, they dropped me off at my dorm. I went to class 15 minutes later.

While I didn't feel nauseous for the rest of the day, I have just felt really weak (because normally I'm so strong, right? Right?) and have a headache. Oh well. I got some sleep this afternoon and passed my time by drinking juice and watching The Royal Tenenbaums.

Oh, and FYI, I realized today how much of a pinko commie fag liberal I am when I found myself enjoying some orange-guava-passionfruit juice. I don't know what guava or passionfruit are, but my oh my do they taste good.

I need to stop being sick asap, because it really does not fit into my schedule for this week.

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