Friday, December 19, 2008


SUX! Go suck on a open-wound from some whore named Bell (that's for you, you Twilight freak-holes) if you want to harass my use of verbal lingo! My goodness, since I was let out of school (protect the children!!!), I have done absolutely nothing. If my life could get any more drawn out, I'd turn into Micker Meese or however you children want to pronounce it. To overcome my extreme boredom, I have resorted to playing video games almost around the clock. Though, there is nothing abnormal about this as more than half the families in the United States play/own at least one system and/or game and play more than once a week. The reason why I mention this is because when I woke up and looked at myself in the mirror, I noticed that my eyes are ridiculously blood-shot. Take that stupid James Bond intro, take away the irony and that stupid camera-on-guy-with-gun action, and multiply it by 3 and you get the amount of arteries jetting out of my eyes. I'm attributing this to my playing of video games for 6 solid hours last night before going to bed. Some of you little so-and-so's out there might challenge this by saying I merely didn't get enough sleep. Well, this is what I have to say to you.
^^That's you, a c*nt.
I definitely got enough sleep, I went to bed around 3 am and woke up around 1 pm. Until I am able to find something else to entertain me, or my eyes explode (whichever comes first), I will continue this ritualistic way of life.


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