Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How Much Free Time is Too Much?

So I don't have a Facebook. That's really all the introduction that this conversation needs:

Atticus: you outcast!
Atticus: go to your cave!
Atticus: take your leprosy with you too!
Dave: you have facial AIDS
Dave: so i'll count my blessings about only having leprosy
Atticus: at least my arm won’t fall off!
Atticus: take that!
Dave: leprosy can be cured
Dave: AIDS is forever
Dave: like a diamond
Dave: except it slowly eats you away inside
Dave: so in that case, AIDS is more like food laced with fiberglass
Dave: it's definitely either a diamond or food laced with fiberglass
Dave: one or the other
Atticus: is it tasty food?
Dave: it's pretty meh
Atticus: darn
Dave: there is no upside to facial AIDS
Atticus: chyeah there is
Atticus: i have a disease that as an acronym can have an entirely different meaning
Dave: FAIDS?
Atticus: you suck!
Dave: what?
Dave: that would be the acronym for facial aids
Atticus: dave, aids is aids
Dave: yeah
Dave: but faids is facial aids
Atticus: there is no such thing as aids specifically for one's face, bc even if it started in the face, it would move to the rest of the body
Dave: nope
Dave: your aids is the emergence of a new strain
Dave: excuse me, your faids is a new strain
Dave: it is contained within the facial region
Dave: the facial cavity
Atticus: you literally think way too into insults towards me
Dave: what else do i have to spend my time on?
Atticus: true
Dave: exactly
Dave: that's a double paradox
Atticus: you are a double paradox


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