Friday, April 3, 2009

More-Famous Friday: NO IT'S NOT

Now I'm not here to say that this atheist's video is right or wrong about the logical fallacies presented by the original poster (this atheist's video is right about the logical fallacies). Mostly I'm here to comment on his face. The people present Exhibit A:

Now, the thing about making a face like this is that it makes me want to strap you down and put one of those masks on your face that they put over Hannibal Lecter's mouth to keep him from biting people. Yeah, you look like a crazy fictional cannibal. I bet that stung.


Moving on:

The problem with this face is that it doesn't match up with the word that he says immediately after, which is "What?" That is a sad puppy dog face.

Now, I have to admit that I probably made a face similar to this when I heard the Christian guy claim to have used logic to prove that there is at least a 51% chance that there is a god. But still. I'm a blogger, so I have the privilege of being able to point my eye lasers at all YouTubers who annoy me (just kidding, if I could laser people on YouTube who annoy me the streets would run red with blood).

Holy crap, his arms became light beams. This kid just disproved his own argument by revealing himself to be the devil.

Ah, finally we've reached a resolution and the acid kicked in.

But it's time that I leave this kid alone. He's just expressing his opinions on the internet. Besides, he and his cracking voice have appointments to appear in all the Harry Potter fanfic movies tomorrow morning. I better let him get the sleep that he'll need for that.


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