Monday, October 27, 2008

"It has Begun"

The first assassination attempt on Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama was thwarted (love that word) by the secret service today. The attack was planned to happen in Tennessee, and was led by two neo-Nazis. This attack is not going to be the last assassination attack on Barack Obama's livelihood anytime soon, especially if he wins the election and becomes the first African American president in the US.
My response to this is:
1) I am personally surprised that it took so long for the first attack to occur;
2) not only is Barack Obama's life in danger, but the rest of his family's lives are as well;
3) it is a great shame that America is still so backward to resort to this kind of ignorant violence.

To explain my points: 1 - there is still so much racism in the United States, it is ridiculous. I know that in the area I live in, the KKK is a strong group, and are not afraid to advertise themselves, especially to intimidate people. I know that what I am saying sounds racist, but think about it: the very first African American to head the entire United States, this is a huge step. There are still quite a lot of backwards people who feel that a black person should not retain such power ever.

2 - Barack Obama's family is almost at a greater risk than he is, because the next best thing to killing the head cheese is to kill his family. If the secret service is not protecting Mr. Obama's family, they need to start immediately. I can only hope that the Obama family is not injured in any way, if not to prevent the loss of life, but to save the United States from becoming that country that everyone hates.

3 - This is just terrible. How can anyone want to kill/maim someone based on their skin tone is beyond me. This one attack has permanently damaged the US reputation, whatever reputation still remains in tact that is.
Here is the link for those who want the facts, without the opinion. You effers.


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