Monday, October 27, 2008

Who are You McVoting forbama?

First of all, I really need to respond to Atticus' post below. First of all, I should say that this comes as no surprise whatsoever. However, ignoring the very serious nature of racism in contemporary American society, it kind of made me giggle (I mean chuckle-boys chuckle, girls giggle. It's in the Chicago Manual of Style, I'm pretty sure). I don't particularly want either of the presidential candidates to be assassinated, but at the same time...I mean, come on. We all knew this was coming. Can someone get him an Obam-mobile? Then at least I could understand why so many people worship him (score Dave: 1, Obama: 0!).

Upon hearing the news, Obama was quoted as saying, "This is the same type of divisive politics that Americans have come to expect from Washington. This is the politics of the last 8 years which allowed Wall Street to flourish even while Main Street struggled. This type of rhetoric needs to be abandoned if we want real change for Joe the Plumber (holy crap, his Wikipedia page has 12 sections already!)." (Dave: 2, Obama: Change) Why did we stop the South from seceding, again? Way to drop the ball, Lincoln. This basically sums up the level of political commentary you can expect from me:

Atticus: kk
Dave: k
Dave: lol
Dave: kkk
Atticus: my gosh

Aaaaaaanyways, a couple of things happened today (I'm sure we all know about them by now) that need to be addressed. First of all, there was a sign on campus that said
"CongratUlations [...because it's a university? It's not a university, guys.] Class of 2009. Celebrate your hard work with a licensed commemorative mug with your school's seal! $20[what!?] See the Student Union for ordering details [how difficult could ordering be that it would require the gathering of details?]."
Right. First of all, the "U" made me so angry I considered starting a LiveJournal to rave about how mad it made me when I was a 13 year old girl (right now). Second, why did they need to include that the word "licensed" in the description? Who cares if it's licensed? I support piracy 100%, and especially the piracy of stupid crap like commemorative mugs. Finally, who wants a mug to commemorate their time in college? I have a hard time understanding the purchase of a class ring, but a mug should be grounds for dismissal from the school. 1 strike rule.

Second, I think I saw the strangest form of anti-rain transportation ever today. Riding a bike? Normal. Carrying an umbrella in one hand and a purse in the other? Normal for women. Listening to an iPod and not paying attention to where one is going? Normal. Riding a bike while carrying an umbrella in one hand and a purse in the other while listening to an iPod and not paying attention to where one is going? Shut up, I know you were expecting the MasterCard priceless joke. I don't sell out like that (I'm such a rebel motorcycle gang). This woman almost crashed into the corner of a building as well as at least 3 people. Maybe tie the bike down and just walk a little. I'm Dear Abby, now. Write me with your transportation problems.


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