Thursday, October 23, 2008

Possible Copyright Infringement for Dinner

Seriously, though, today's Toothpaste for Dinner brings up a good point: who uses fax anymore? Why does anyone ever list fax numbers as a way to contact them? Other than for the purposes of a black fax, I can think of no possible scenario in which faxing something could be faster or easier than e-mail. Even for physical copies of documents, it's easier to scan them and send a PDF than the fax them. And cheaper!

Working in an office, it may seem like I have a conflict of interest here. Nope. Everyone who has ever faxed anything out of that office has been officially declared ridiculous. Legally Ridiculous 2: Red, White, and Ridiculous.


1 comment:

  1. My best to you and your blog.

    Isn't it amazing how so many professors working in the natural sciences barely speak English? Scary when you think of the brain-drain in this country....

    I look forward to reading more from you soon.
