Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The News is Done, Buy Fallout 3

There is no news. In all seriousness, the most interesting thing to me (and thus, the most interesting thing) was the release of Fallout 3. 1UP gave it an A, Gamespot gave it a 9/10 (it's not Halo or Gears of War, so no 10 for you!), and IGN gave it a 9.6/10. It looks really good, but it's necessary to keep in mind the ridiculous amount of score inflation that happens at these places. Remember Assassin's Creed? Yeah, that game sucked after about the first third of the game was over, and yet it got a 9/10 from Gamespot and a 9.5/10 from Game Informer. What? Did they play the same game I did?

I'm willing to give Fallout 3 the benefit of the doubt, though, for 2 reasons:
1. It was made by Bethesda Studios, the makers of my favorite game yet for the 360, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. This game was ridiculously good, and is to this day the only game which I have 100 percented (now fans of Math and proper English can hate me!) both in-game and in achievements.

2. I have a lot of love for the Fallout series (we will not speak of Fallout: Tactics!). I honestly feel a lot closer to this series than I did to Halo, although that probably has a lot to do with my personal preference for RPGs over rootin' tootin' shootin' games (this is the Old West and we play games that are on wooden cartridges).

So, while I would be wary of high scores, this also looks like one of the best games of the year. Here's the IGN video review of the game for those who may be interested in such things (for such things shall lead to the end of the Age of Middle Earth because of my ridiculous language choices when I'm tired):


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