Sunday, November 23, 2008

Let me Spin you a Yarn, or Yarn you a Spin your...Yarn?

My yarn-spinning brings all the boys to the yard (as does my inability to make comprehensible post titles, apparently). Anyways, I was sitting in the Student Union getting ahead on some Chem. homework (oh yeah, I'm in college so I can use abbreviations like they're nothing. Deal with it, squares!) and this guy sat down at the same table as me to my left. I had my laptop out and plugged into the wall, and he pulled his out. I wasn't paying any attention to him at all until he went to plug in his laptop a few minutes later. That's when I noticed that he was watching what appeared to be a 12 year old boy/girl singing on American Idol. "Why didn't he notice that before?" you may be asking yourself. Because it was muted. He was watching a singing competition full-screen with the sound muted. Wow. I got up and left immediately (about 45 minutes later. You guys know how our Chem. homework is. By the way, what did you get for problem 4?). He was probably Chuck Manson's protege or something. College sucks because of that guy.


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