Sunday, January 18, 2009

DeviantArt never lets me down.

1. Atticus, I'll fight you. Fo' real.

2. Yet another sin against the art gods.

This time while searching (I didn't have to search) for bad art on I had a hard time picking which piece to use.
This came in second place.

And here's your winner (or loser depending on how you look at it). (Actually, they're definitely a loser here)


Now this little monstrosity was chosen because of the "artist's" comment.

Artist's Comments
My second commission from Crimian on Gaia.

It was a commission.

The second one the "artist" made for the person.

Someone...paid....for something like


Sweet zombie Jesus tap dancing on a bear! What in the hell could possibly make a person find a work such as the above at a high enough quality to warrant a payment? The maker of that piece obviously has no idea how cloth behaves or the proper proportions of the human figure.

It's hard to tell if this person was trying to use a bastardized attempt at anime or they actually believe this is how a person looks.

There's no chest, not waist, no ass. Just a tube-ish area where these things should be. The free hand looks like a fourth grader made it and taped it onto the already bad pictures.

I took me a while to find the nose and mouth. Looks like someone doesn't know what the word shading means. Both nose and mouth appear to slant even further into the subject's face causing the poor thing to look like it has no chin. (That's right, I referred to it as a thing. I honestly can't tell if it's supposed to be male for female.)

The hair isn't too too bad. It just has edges that are a little too clean cut.

Did I mention that this piece looks like all the characters from Naruto combined? (The creative abounds, doesn't it?)

I'm too tried to critic anymore tonight despite how easy this was. (fuck grammar)

3. Really Atticus. I'm calling you out.


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