Wednesday, January 28, 2009

There aren't Enough Lolcat Pictures Related to Physics

It is 11:56 PM, and I just got back to my room. I was on campus for class at 9 AM. That crime against memanity aside, today was pretty good until the end. I was finishing up some physics homework and got to one of the most horrendous derivatives I have ever seen in my entire life. Now, normally derivatives are ridiculously easy for me, since I've been doing them for 4 years now. But this one was a beast, and I was Gandalf standing in front of it with my piddly little staff yelling about passing kidney stones. Wait. Maybe I don't remember that movie as well as I thought I did. Did Gandalf have kidney stones? What was I blogging about?

OH RIGHT, the derivative. Well, here's the thing guys: it was actually two partial derivatives that came about because the problem required the use of the gradient (yeah, the symbol makes you feel super smart when you write it, I know). It wouldn't have been as bad if both variables hadn't been in both terms under negative radicals and both been involved in an expandable phrase (they call it that in music, and I figure physics and music are basically the same thing). Yeah, it got pretty hairy. Then there were 2 more problems to do.

Basically, this was all I did for 15 hours:

(I'm too tired to bother put it into the Photobucket and too tired to put up a direct link. Maybe I'll fix it tomorrow, but don't count on it. Count on not-it.)


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