Saturday, January 17, 2009

To Harass or Not to Harass, That is the Question

1. Svave has to be one of the most ridiculous alias's I have ever heard. Seriously, just deafening. The rest of the gang of this deafening blog doesn't have names that make you want to drown in a pit of moldy mayonnaise. Svave sounds like a hurricane gone deafeningly wrong. Serial, go get another name or go jump off a cliff or whatnot.

2. Why, people I ask you, why did that plane fall into the Hudson River? The news say it was a bird or two that got caught in the plane's engines. All I have to say is those birds must have been made of freaking platinum to take down multi-ton planes. Now that I think about the deafening accident, it was a battle of the birds...

3. Why is the air temperature so freaking cold? It is -2 outside and my car almost didn't start yesterday. At college, my friend went outside with wet hair and his hair started to freeze in its place. I wish I would've taken a picture, but this is what I'm guessing it would look like if I did. Well, maybe not with such beauty, but more or less. So go get a blanket, grab an egg and wait out this deafening cold snap. Why the egg, you ask? You'll find out.


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